Engage: Coaching Skills for People Leaders

If you want inspirational, respected leaders at every level, empower them with the skills to effectively coach the members of their departments and teams.

This high-touch, six-week program is offered publicly with open registration. It can also be delivered within your organization for a customized experience. Participants will leverage their Coaching Mindset Index (CMI) assessment results to:

  • Increase their leadership agility, influence, and impact so they can more effectively motivate team members to own their challenges and solutions

  • Reflect on their own coaching mindset and leadership habits and build strategies for greater success

  • Build confidence in applying the flexible “ACT” coaching framework and practice key coaching skills across a variety of situations and critical conversations

Fall 2024 Program

Six 90-minute interactive virtual workshops

Dates: Wednesdays, 12:30pm – 2:00pm ET, Oct 9, 16, 23, 30, Nov 6, 13


Unmasking Leadership


Building Bridges with the DiSC Assessment